COVID-19: An executive report. April update 
Italy and the entire world are currently facing the dramatic challenge of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. In the face of this unexpected pandemic, which is putting many aspects of human civilization in great difficulty, the health committee of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei felt that it was its social responsibility to provide the society at large with an Executive Summary (developed by the fellows Guido Forni e Alberto Mantovani with prof. Maurizio Cecconi dell’Università-Medicina Humanitas di Milano) of the current knowledge on the origin, mechanisms and and treatment available to tackle this new COVID-19 virus.
The health committee plans to update this document on a monthly basis. The first version was prepared on May 25, 2020.
This Report does not intend to provide a comprehensive the state-of-the-art review, but rather a snapshot of this rapid evolving situation, a field undergoing rapid evolution, with a daily flood of scientific publications and non-peer reviewed reports. The preparation of a COVID-9 report in this context is therefore a risky undertaking and the extensors of this document are well aware of their limits.
Hopefully, with the above mentioned cautionary remarks, this report will provide for the moment the tools to better understand and respond to the unprecedented challenge we are facing
Responsibility for the information and views expressed in this document lies solely with the Health Committee.
The italian version of this document, titled "Secondo rapporto COVID-19", is available.
Leggi il rapporto